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Has someone succesfully unlocked a toshiba sata hard drive? Use at your own risk. ISO cope with this problem. I read your post about it and wanted to know if it was possible to recover data even from my unit. Awesome, but thank the author Moltke. He wrote the stuff, I just packaged it, compiled the instructions and notes into a working system for people to obtain and use as easily as possible. The drive was password-locked when a secure erase procedure was interrupted or bugged out.

Apparently, the LBA parameters were corrupted. Hope my experience helpful to others. Also Thank you to the author Moltke. The software seems to really like the older or certain chipsets on the motherboard. The russian forums come and go. I do not know if the original source of this software is still publishing his software.

Look, I am an old school telco hacker and im just trying to keep the goods flowing. I am sure Motlke has released a newer version, but good luck downloading it. Anyways, what is here works, wont infect your shit with HD firmware viruses, and works. So phreak out, phreak out and touch someone. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Is ZU able to unlock it? Yep its free software. I clearly state that above 2x times actually , and give credit to the author Moltke 4x times.

I even highlighted that in a pretty pink text color so it would stand out. Because I am not a dick. What I am offering for a donation is a complete virus free and prepared boot package. Something the author does not offer. As well as hours of research and chasing down bad information, to help better someone else. This is probably an older version anyways. You could do better than download from this site.

Your link is above. Have fun downloading viruses from the russian forums. You must think I am a millionaire by now. Actually, I am lucky to even cover the monthly cost of the shopping cart, so you might want to know the software is not as lucrative as you may think.

You may want to explain to the lawyers that the legal court lawsuit damages may not even add up to the cost of a nice dinner and a pint of beer. Assuming they are fine educated people, I am sure they will be happy to work on a legal case with such a very low monetary return potential. My wife, being so proud of my financial business prowess, she feels the need to constantly comment about our new found riches all of the time.

Perhaps losing 11 cents a day in ad traffic really upsets you, or maybe your botnet is hurting for more suckers. If you still think I am a dick for spending hours sorting thru countless links and even more hours putting together a bootable iso, putting it all together for other to read and not waste time or exposure to viruses, and distributing and promoting free software, then that is your problem.

This piece is only part of the pie. You can still download my boot package for a donation, read thru all of my information and research for free, and you still get the free software included, for free.

There now see, I saved you a few clicks. Let me know where to send the bank check for negative 10 dollars. I lock me because I had a problem with parted magic. Are your programs can unlock my hdd? Does this just clear the password so that the drive can be reformatted? Or does it clear the password so that one can read the files already contained therein? And because Ivy Bridge chips like the Core i7- K are intended for more middle-of-the-road users, they come loaded with integrated graphics systems that can drive up to three independent displays and support HDMI 1.

It's hard to imagine any desktop PC user ever needing more performance than the new Intel Core i7 K serves up. What People Are Saying Give it to me straight. The Intel Core i7- K scored Not a surprising result, overclocked the Intel Core i7 k had a physics score that is The Ivy Bridge technology in this processor is great, however I found that when OC'ing it was extremely sensitive, and by that I mean, with 0.

The first pass was more than 40 frames per second faster than running at default speeds, the second pass was nearly 11 frames per second faster or A quick look at the single core CPU benchmark revealed that the Core i7- K had the highest single core performance of any processor benchmarked! The Intel Core i7- K processor did great in the Sandra multi-media benchmark. We were able to overclock the Core i7- K up to 4.

If you're overclocking you will lose efficiency, but gain overall system performance. If you aren't familiar with overclocking since the Intel 'Sandy Bridge' launch in January of , it's been a trip.

With this quad-core beast in your rig, you could play future games for a long time. This means a better gaming experience, smoother playback of high-definition video and it will even perform better when editing pictures or video clips. If you're the one with serious gaming needy, this is it. Specifications Full list of technical specs. Intel Core i7 3. Intel Core i7 Intel Core i5 K. Intel Core i7 K. Comments Showing 3 comments. Freakonomics, what happens if they say, "We will seek a 2nd opinion from our technological savvy insert random family relation here.

Learn how to repair computers and open a small shop out of your home or make house calls Then whenever you run across technologically illiterate rich people with malfunctioning computers simply add whatever component s you covet to their repair bill. Though rather immoral it's easier then shooting fish in a barrel with a drum fed AK47! Extremely stupid rich people are the root cause of the majority of the planets malignant issues!

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