Be aware that Twitter, etc. DeHedge Crowdsale opens on March 15, I bitcoin a perfectly good iBook from I think that I'd be happy to have kept using if websites and software creators didn't make it impossible to do anything on the web with the older systems. I did buy bitcoin in about a year later but prices were 40 times bitcoin Visualizing the Changing Landscape of Big Media https: It was fun anyway. As of now,
But "what's happening right now is extremely dangerous. We just call it Traveling the world, in order to get to know it, instead of just seeing pics of it. Also the difficulty would increase as more hash power is added to the network over those 3 years - meaning you would get even less than you calculated! No one knows why he has never moved his coins, but they're all still sitting there on the blockchain. Economic Might by U. Thats exactly what it is.
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Then there were 'thin wallets', right around the time mining rigs started being a thing to 'preorder'. A Primer on China's Tech Giants. Mining on GPU can be quite profitable if you mine alt-coins. This bitcoin led mines who supported Bitcoin to focus on Bitcoin Cash. That's why it's digital gold
Fair enough it being some person buying pizza with fiat for someone willing to pay BTC, I guess back then you couldn't buy shit with it. The miners that continue to remain connected will get fees from the network even after the last Bitcoin is mined.
Someone got 50 BTC every 10 minutes And there weren't that many miners. That was a block at the time, and a block is mined every 10 minutes or so. The reward sounds huge now, but when 1 bitcoin was worth a few cents that didn't mean much.
So he's got 2 billion dollars worth of BTC and he's holding because somehow that's not enough money? No one knows why he has never moved his coins, but they're all still sitting there on the blockchain. Perhaps he is waiting. Perhaps he doesn't care for wealth.
Perhaps he is dead? Perhaps he is a time traveler. More likely they were mined by multiple users where many of them lost their private keys because BTC was worthless back than.
There is no evidence Satoshi has many if any BTC besides 2 blocks of 50 and one unspendable genesis block. I remember when Gavin ran his bitcoin faucet.
I stopped using it when he changed it from giving away 5BTC per user per day to only 1BTC of course, you could cheat and pull out more by claiming to be multiple people, but it was more an honor system kind of thing.
Mining has always been only just barely profitable, and only when you devote a massive amount of time and energy getting everything just right. Yeah it was easy when you just ran the Core application. Then video card mining came along, and pool mining. I was pulling about 1BTC per 24 hours during those mining sessions from a single card. However the card cooked itself heavy vga cooler separated from the board over time and the replacement under warranty was not compatible.
Actually although many of the ASIC mining equipment "pre-orders" were scams some of them were very profitable for early customers such as the first batch or two of Avalon miners and first batch of Bitfury and KNC miners. Everyone else was getting shipments as well, and difficulty was already starting to go exponential. This is without devoting any time or energy, so what you're saying only applied to mining it yourself ;.
Damn, I guarantee that if I would have mined back then, I would be too lazy enough to sell bitcoins unless I really was desperate to buy something. Being lazy would have been worth it.
All that matters was luck my friend. It paid itself off, and then made about the same amount of money three times over before I got sick of it and stopped doing it if only I hadn't sold all the BTC off when it was stupid cheap! It's on it's last legs, the fan has stopped a few times and crashed the entire system, but I definitely got my money's worth out of that card. I mined on my laptop in october You think that's what made my earnings so miserable?
I didn't even attempt to transfer my supposed income. That's not necessarily true. They could make a transaction with two inputs, one from the mining payout and one from otherwise obtained Bitcoin, to cover fees. It's just not economical is all. Also the difficulty would increase as more hash power is added to the network over those 3 years - meaning you would get even less than you calculated!
You'd need about 50kw to make it worthwhile, and there would be more money in selling the power back to the power company. I know Antpool isn't great but you cannot honestly believe any other pool would've yielded much better results. Who cares about the processor, just think about the brain damage of doing that any longer than I did. Will I earn by mining link on sidebar definitely needs an update.
Still points to 4 year old post. Sub mods take note. No I mean, is it better to buy a scratchcard or to spend the equivalent amount on processing power? If you have tons of time on your hands, the odds of "winning" the lottery while mining altcoins is very high. Difficulty will go up and block reward will possibly be halved during those three years, so you would actually earn a lot less. True, but they were calculating a possible BTC value that they might get after three years, not a dollar-value.
Steve Gibson mined one block back when it was 50 btc reward If only i had spent more time playing with BTC back in when i first started learning of it, i probably would have more BTC than i do today. I don't do much trading though so my only use of exchanges is converting any alts i get to BTC or fiat to btc. Yes, but you can use that same laptop to mine for example monero that uses cryptonigh and mitigate the difference between cpu, gpu and in the future with asic, and get some real revenue Haha I've been mining on my laptop for the last couple weeks, it's actually profitable.
Sumokoin, and the official pool. Lol its in it's infancy, but I believe the coin will go up in value soon. Mining yourself seems too much of a hassle for little results to be fair. This, on top of BTC rising in value is crazy good! Huge money thanks to the mining, PM me if you need any more details: Was this really worth the potential lifetime performance hit you're taking on that mbp?
Mining on a laptop is a bad idea because laptops aren't designed for that, you might damage batteries and other components. I agree, although I'm pretty sure even a top gaming pc would fare poorly for this monumental task.
Even at x times better performance, the earnings would be ridiculous. Sadly the days of GPU mining for bitcoin are done. It was a lot of fun tweaking software, replacing fans, working on monitoring solutions, etc. You can mine alts though, and trade the for BTC.
Do you think a MacBook Pro would be up to the challenge of mining altcoins? Or you mean exclusively with antminers? I would never use a laptop. Once the laptops burned out it's done. If a card craps out, you can usually replace a fan or junk the card. The rest of the rig works. For a day or ten. But eventually not months, but just days or weeks you'll burn up the GPU and possibly other components.
That's the thing though Even if it does become that valuable, you still would have gotten light years better return on investment by simply buying the BTC on an exchange instead. A MacBook pro is perfectly able to run like I did for many hours straight. Its very common for a video rendering to take that long, and that's what they're designed to do. If it were a PC I'd agree with you. Honestly, almost no one uses a computer for anywhere near as long as it's capable of being used these days, and that's even considering how crappy computers are made these days compared to the old days of the 's.
I have a perfectly good iBook from I think that I'd be happy to have kept using if websites and software creators didn't make it impossible to do anything on the web with the older systems. When you are forced to get a new computer just to watch YouTube, and surf Reddit, and do online banking, you know there's something fucked up with the system.
What are you talking about? Excessive heat damages electronic components, and running a miner for 36h will cause heat outside the expected parameters on a MacBook. AntPool is advocating Emergent Consensus EC as a way to scale, to allegedly keeping their covert asicboost advantage.
The thing is, by choice of pools respectively proposals they support, miners have some influence on the further development of bitcoin. Many miners seem to be unaware of this. AntPool is by many considered to build up a monopoly and seizing too much control, so a bad choice to mine with. The map is not the territory. You don't earn experience by reading about stuff.
You earn it by living it. We just call it Traveling the world, in order to get to know it, instead of just seeing pics of it. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Bitcoin comments other discussions 1. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit link NOT about price. Submit text NOT about price.
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