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It enacts all of its policies through the banking accounting, but has a public purpose serving dual mandate bitcoin help achieve maximum employment and price stability. This page will clarify some of the myths and misunderstandings about the Fed. These forces got themselves surrounded by Russians, who let mineral escape. Leave a Reply Cancel triple-entry Enter your comment here It would also track consumption, and reward retrospectively:

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Concerns could be managed through a more limited version based on a comprehensive consumption tax that would slowly fold out into the fuller system. But companies and intelligence agencies have already deployed this technology for years — with our explicit or implicit consent — when tracking consumers and criminals.

An energy footprint-based tax system would accelerate our transition to a regenerative economy and help us fight climate change. The system holds societal advantages, too. Taxing us on the basis of our energy consumption counters the creation of migration choke-points, and encourages local innovation by downplaying imports, while reducing the kind of inequality between more and less economically developed countries that was baked into our global system of trade and consumption.

It would compel the 1 per cent to pay its rightful tax share by eliminating avenues of evasion such as moving to tax havens or renouncing citizenship. Finally, the tax would encourage us to demand that transnational corporations behave ethically, by annulling the partial economies that they pass on to us, and which encourage our silent consent. This article was originally published at Aeon and has been republished under Creative Commons.

The big issue with security prevention, be it wildfire or cyber, these days is that we keep spending more and Sunday, February 4, Should we adopt this revolutionary tax system to save the planet? People should be taxed on their energy footprint by.

Why staging a fake attack is the key to safety by Qrius. Armed Forces Special Powers Act: A plea against the legal vandalism by Qrius.

Discussion about this post. Why staging a fake attack is the key to safety February 4, A plea against the legal vandalism February 4, The greatest casualty of the Budget: The CA student February 4, With or without them: Why the resistance towards behavioural economics continues February 4, Mounting interest burden on central government public debt February 4, Everything good is practiced February 4, Who will win as both now backed by the same investor February 4, When Europe went far-right February 4, This is why I asked Cullen how he sees his internal economy working out with cash and trade circumventing centralized power.

Having secured their monetary needs via direct takeover of primarily Saudi Arabian oil, the main institutions of the Zionist Empire, including the Pentagon and CIA, can comfortably collapse the US dollar, robbing all those who hold assets in this class of everything, while continuing to fund all major activities related to their long promised Zionist Hundred Years War.

Trump is and always has been set up man for the greatest Zionist scam in history. He is taking down the United States to eliminate the last great potential threat to the unchallenged hegemony of the Zionist Class — and their mad-sick doctrine of planetary genocide. PS it strikes me that Russia likewise benefitted from the steep rise in oil price consequent on Operation Enduring Freedom.

Putin restore Russia to prosperity and world influence. The characteristics of the USAF is to spend 10 times more, than it really costs. The US could never have waged so many wars with a gold standards because financing huge deficits was impossible; and even if the gold standards had been dropped -but WITHOUT the USD as the world currency reserve -, those monstruous deficits would have triggered a huge inflation. Now the chikens are coming home to roost all at the same time. An oil contract will be denominated in convertible yuan in !

Probably a Venezuelan contract to China. Just as dirty, and just as ugly. Nothing like the fog of war to keep people from thinking about anything beyond survival. The gangsters have their puppet in office. Appreciate the article, very concise considering the far-ranging subject areas. I appreciate many of the 17 comments so far there will undoubtedly be many more. Love the mods the glue that holds this place together; wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you know what I mean.

Trillions in Iraq have been spent, but it is not accounted for in men, machines or ammo, construction or destruction. Well the idea that the taxpayers have significant contributions to the continuation of this foreign policy is illusion. Taxpayers and the US domestic population economy structure are only there to promote the idea that US currency is backed by its strong economy. Few institutions invoke more emotion and mythology than global central banks.

Unfortunately, not all of this attention is warranted and much of the understanding about this institution is misleading or incorrect. This page will clarify some of the myths and misunderstandings about the Fed. This nefarious myth results from decades of bad economic theory and academic misunderstanding of how banking works. The story usually says that the Fed sets a quantity of reserves and banks then multiply those reserves into loans meaning that the Fed has a direct control over the quantity of money being created.

But the financial crisis proved that this theoretical view is precisely backwards. In fact, banks make loans first and find reserves after the fact. In other words, the Fed accommodates the quantity of loans by supplying the necessary quantity of reserves. At its most basic level, the Federal Reserve and all Central Banks is just a clearinghouse.

This means they operate a very simple purpose of helping banks settle interbank payments daily. Prior to the creation of the Fed we saw numerous instances where garden variety recessions turned into depressions because the banking system would fail. This was due, in large part, to the failure of private clearinghouses that would shut down during panics.

But the Fed created a market in overnight loans thereby skirting this worry. At its most basic level a Central Bank is a clearinghouse before all else. This is a very practical and useful service as it insures against the private banking system from shutting down during financial panics.

Some people tell fantastic stories about how the Fed was formed by a secret cabal of bankers designed only to serve the banks. Some others tell stories about how the Fed is purely a part of the US government and serves only a public role.

When we start to discuss the Fed, it helps to understand why the Fed even exists in the first place. The health of the US monetary system was largely tied to the health of individual banks as there was no national currency and bank notes were not only unstable due to excessive lending, near zero regulation and counterfeiting , but were also susceptible to bank runs. In , the US suffered its largest banking crisis as the entire US banking system seized up.

The lack of a central clearinghouse made it impossible to trust other banks. The crisis only ended when JP Morgan effectively acted as a central liquidity provider and made a series of enormous loans to the NY banks.

This crisis made it clear that the nation needed a more secture central clearinghouse to oversee and interconnect the national banking system. The system is comprised of both public and private components. The Board of Governors is the national component of the Fed System. The Fed System is also comprised of 12 regional Reserve Banks which are owned by member banks, private banks.

Although these regional banks are owned by the private banks, the ownership structure actually affords the private banks only marginal control over the regional bank. Member banks elect 6 of the 9 Directors of Regional Banks to manage daily operations of the banks.

Class B Directors are elected by member banks, but represent the public. The Federal Reserve System is often viewed as being conflicted because it serves two masters.

It enacts all of its policies through the banking system, but has a public purpose serving dual mandate to help achieve maximum employment and price stability. Of course, it cannot achieve its dual mandate if the banking system is not healthy so the Fed often serves as lender of last resort and an aid to private banks.

The Fed serves private banks as well as the public. It is neither a purely public serving institution nor private serving institution and while components of it are owned by the member banks, the system as a whole is not technically owned entirely by anyone in particular. It serves both the public as well as the private sector and has elements of ownership that make it both a public and private institution.

The financial statements of the Reserve Banks are also audited annually by an independent outside auditor. In addition, the Reserve Banks are subject to annual examination by the Board.

See our audit page for more information on all of the above audits and more information on the accounting, financial reporting, and internal controls of the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Banks. Unfortunately, this is based on a lack of understanding of banking and central banking. A Central Bank is little more than a central clearinghouse where payments settle.

Before there were central banks payments between banks were settled at private clearinghouses. The problem with this arrangement was that banks would stop settling payments during financial panics and this would exacerbate depressions. The financial crisis was a great example of this. Had the Fed not lent to firms in need the crisis would have bankrupted even the largest banks and the economy would have certainly entered a substantially more catastrophic crisis.

In order to operate as a central clearinghouse the Fed needs to set an overnight rate at which it lends to banks. Since the Fed requires most banks to utilize this system the banks naturally try to lend their reserve deposits which puts downward pressure on overnight interest rates.

This is not theoretical, this is simply a mathematical reality of a system with a Fed Funds market in which banks operate within this closed system. While the overnight rate is important to overnight loans it is not the dominant rate in the economy as is often portrayed in economic textbooks. No, the banking system controls most other rates as a function of creditworthiness.

For instance, your mortgage and your credit card rate are more a function of your creditworthiness than anything else. Additionally, the Fed determines the overnight rate by gauging the health of the economy and the banking system. And banks set the more important rates like mortgages and credit card rates mainly based on demand for their products and the creditworthiness of those using those products. The Fed sets the overnight rate by trying to guess where the economy is headed.

In this sense, the Fed is usually reactive to the state of the economy and is setting rates where the economy is or was as opposed to where the economy is going. Therefore, when inflation is low we will tend to find that interest rates are also low.

When the economy heats up the Fed will generally raise rates in tandem to help dampen the risk of an irrational boom. Side note — of course, we could operate without this central clearinghouse at all.

But we already know how that works. The Fed system helped improve that flaw. Additionally, we know from the recent LIBOR scandal that private banks are no more reliable at setting interest rates than central banks are.

So, what we have is essentially a system that is the lesser of two evils. Myth 6 — The Fed exists as result of a conspiracy to create an entity that only serves private banks. The plan that came out of this meeting was known as the Aldrich Plan and created a loose structure for the Federal Reserve Act that was passed in The original Aldrich Plan, however, was defeated in the House of Representatives in so if there was a conspiracy to pass the plan in its original form it surely failed.

More importantly, the very creation of the Federal Reserve System increased regulations and national control immensely. If anything, the Fed Act clamped down on banking and gave the federal government substantially more control. If anything, the Federal Reserve Act wrestled some control away from banks and into the hands of the Federal government. The Jekyll Island meeting and the Aldrich Plan played an influencing role in the formation of the Fed, but it is not quite the conspiracy theory to enrich the banks that some people make it out to be.

This system helps maintain a stable payments system and works in favor of stabilizing the US economy. As a whole, this is a public good even if it is not always perfectly managed and often gives the appearance of enriching banks.

At times, it is implied that the Fed is a financial burden on the nation, but the Fed does not cost the US taxpayer anything. The stockholders of the Fed contribute paid in capital and the annual operations of the Fed are maintained by its own income. In fact, any excess profit the Fed earns is returned to the US taxpayer via the US Treasury and by law, used to pay down federal debt or buy gold. As a whole, the Fed is actually a substantial revenue source that the US government would not otherwise have.

The Federal Reserve Act of was established via Congress. On many occasions the constitutionality of a central bank has been questioned and continually upheld by the Supreme Court:. The most famous instance was McCulloch v. The case was affirmed in Osborn v. Bank of the United States. Individual Head of St. A good deal of mainstream economics is based on the idea that the Fed is an extremely powerful policymaker. The Financial Crisis has shed a good deal of doubt on this idea as cutting interest rates and huge policies like QE have been relatively ineffectual.

This makes sense from an operational perspective since the Fed has a limited set of transmission mechanisms through which it can impact the private sector. For instance, the Fed is largely just a clearinghouse serving as a bank for the banking system. This means that most of its operations rely on working through the banking system in an indirect route to the private sector economy.

For instance, when the Fed changes interest rates it does so by altering the quantity of reserves or the Interest on Reserves in the banking system. This directly impacts the balance sheet of banks, but does not have a direct impact on the private sector as most interest rates are not controlled by the Fed and correlate more closely with the state of the real economy.

Many mainstream economists have assumed over the years that there is a money multiplier between the quantity of reserves and the quantity of loans that are made. The money multiplier we all learn in econ is completely wrong! While Central Banks are certainly not powerless, we should be careful assuming they are more powerful than they really are. Whom Does the Fed Serve?

The QE programs have been highly effectual, for asset inflation. QE has done nothing for the ordinary, main street economy. But for the big commercial banks, QE has been highly beneficial. Mar 17, — The Federal Reserve is, without a doubt, one of the most controversial entities in the world. Jul 25, — Importantly, many of the banking crises that occurred prior to were a direct result of a lack federal integration. For instance, prior to and the implementation of the Federal Reserve the private banking system ran its own version of a central clearinghouse.

First, it helps to understand what the Fed really is. As its name states, the New York Clearinghouse was just a big clearinghouse where many of the big banks would come to settle their interbank payments. It exists due to an act of Congress.

But it is also considered an independent entity because it is not part of the Executive or Legislative branches of government. Politically, this makes it a very independent entity.

As you can see, remittance often dwarfs any dividends paid back to the banks. Remember, the Fed exists to serve the payments system. This means it is a supporter of the US banking system. Before it can ever achieve its dual mandate on price stability and full employment the Fed must ensure the payments system is healthy. Therefore, the Fed is often viewed as a servant to the banking system while also trying to be a public purpose servant. It has, in effect, two masters by design. The Federal Reserve system is an imperfect, but rather innovative clearinghouse.

I prefer to think of the Fed as being an entity designed to help support the US payments system which thereby makes it a bank facilitating entity which serves public purpose and private purpose. The auditors were neither allowed to enter nor were they allowed to inspect, test or even touch the gold.

Understandably the incident caused a scandal when the story broke in Germany. The libertarian view of the Fed is simply ideological in nature. You omitted the full scale of corruption happening unfortunately by the private banks design. Too big to fail is the words. And if a small group of powerful private banks wanted to take control of the dollar this is exactly how they would do it. For that matter would Mr Greenspan be free of ideology!

The creation of the dollar should not be in private hands, clearing functions have nothing to do with this. The dollar is not gold backed there is no justification for private Or semi private ownership or control of the dollar. Two planes destroyed three buildings and also there was not any airliner hit into Pentagon, it was something else. Controlled demolition on all three buildings, the same pattern.

False flag and nothing else. Shock and awe strategy. Iraq needed to be invaded for its oil, and also because Saddam Hussein discarded the dollar in his oil transactions, beginning to use the euro. Afghanistan needed to be invaded for its geostrategic position, for its heroin and for its mineral wealth. Those 19 Saudi hijackers, who could barely fly a sports plane, were provided by Saudi Arabia to the conspirators as a deal.

Iraq and Afghanistan were attacked, but not Saudi Arabia. Analysts now acknowledge that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a huge mistake.

Years back they calculated that they cost 6 trillion dollars. The US lost financially, politically and militarily. While the US was fighting its wars, Russia and China were building up their military, not only numerically, but also qualitatively. The US did not concentrate on improving its high tech, keeping much of the old, as proven in Syria, when Trump fired those Tomahawk cruise missiles, more than half of them being sent off course by Russian electronics.

Worse, all these wars have worn out the US military, both men and material. The second shock was the reunification of Crimea with Russia. These forces got themselves surrounded by Russians, who let them escape. The third shock was the Russian intervention in Syria, and this was probably the biggest shock.

NATO failed to register the movement of Russian combat aircraft and troops to Syria, noticing the event only after Russians started establishing themselves in the country. Both Russian pilots, aircraft and high tech showed unexpected efficiency. As for the US Defense Budget, analysts calculate that its between 1 trillion and 1,2 trillion dollars, much larger than the US Government admits.

The point is how long can it be maintained at that level. The Washington political establishment, blindly following Wall Streets globalist agenda, has forgotten the old army rule, which goes like this: Its going that way. Cracks are appearing in the Empire. Even Americas allies are beginning to turn against the US.

We all know how its going to end. But does the Washington political establishment and the American public know this?

Nelk, 21, died of apparently natural causes in a non-training-related incident …. Central Banks are all about financing wars. Before WWI, no country could afford to start a war. And they call that crook a financial genius. His FED video follows: The Costs of War: Conclusions The Federal government is faced with daunting economic problems which have been greatly exacerbated by multiple tax cuts for the wealthy and increased spending on the military.

The Essential Saker II: Click here to cancel reply. Leave a Reply Click here to get more info on formatting 1 Leave the name field empty if you want to post as Anonymous. Well sure it is strategic failure. But it is deliberate strategy. It is proven fact. As a top US leader and with his top echelon military background, it seems ridiculous and highly unlikely for someone like Powell to be played with about war propaganda… Anyway.

To further the point. Or maybe it is a square chunk of plastic. Or a shiny brass coin. Ditto the seamstress, who redeems her token debt by returning your coat with sleeves shortened.

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