п»ї Dogecoin bootstrap

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It was simply a case of sending the amount to specified Changelly address. Can't see how option 3 dogecoin work either, unless the blocks were split into loads of individual dogecoin, making it kind of like 2, no? Bootstrap should rename the file once it's finished reading dogecoin, and you can then safely delete it if you don't need it i. The file is over MB, bootstrap be prepared to wait a little while. Right now bootstrap Dogecoin Bootstrap client shows the correct balance-- same as my old Dogecoin from 4 years ago.

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I also host my website on a VPS: Follow reddit's content policy. Its a cat and mouse game of new sites popping up vs the block lists being extended. You won't be able to vote or comment. I've lost the torrent files whilst upgrading from Linux Mint to Arch Linux, so I'd have to recreate it which I'm planning on doing soon. Then I learned about the Bootstrap which can speed up the process so I downloaded that and followed the instructions.

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Oh, and if you don't have a spare wallet to send change to, generate bootstrap in the Bulk tab of https: This means you will need dogecoin delete any existing database files in your Dogecoin directory. Yep, all amounts are accounted for. A dogecoin bootstrap file is now being bootstrap generated on this website. Discrimination against other shibes will not be tolerated 3.

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Dogecoin bootstrap


How about a user activated hard fork called dogecoin gold where the supply is capped at million and everyone gets 1 dogecoin gold for every dogecoins. It's like the opposite of bitcoin cash since dogecoin is already like Fiat currency and then all the people who want a dogecoin that's not inflated will stop spamming the community.

That's an interesting idea: Creating a commodity based on Dogecoin. Ideally you would need Dogecoins to buy, sell or move that commodity around. Then Dogecoin would even profit from that. My perspective is that some shibes want serious dogecoins while others want the play money so why not both? It would certainly diversify dogecoin as both a currency and an investment.

You could even make it a POS coin with a supply comparable to litecoins or Bitcoin and the distribution would be fair if it's given to those with dogecoin already. So 1 dogecoin gold for every dogecoins distribution would cap the coin at around million which is just shy of Ethereums supply right now. Just started it up. I'll dump the May 27th torrent once the new one is complete.

If only there was a way to patch torrents to avoid throwing away the previous versions. You are looking for this: In theory you only need to make a diff and then people download the original torrent plus the new torrent.

A cheaper alternative would be to split the bootstrap. You then just download additional segments and join the full file again. Another method would be to offer the blocks as-is instead of a bootstrap file. Can't see how option 3 would work either, unless the blocks were split into loads of individual torrents, making it kind of like 2, no?

The client splits blocks on his own so we don't need to do it manually. Every time a new block appears we could put the previous one on a webserver. If we find multiple people willing to host it we can distribute it via RSS and then completely avoid torrent. GridCoin has something like that built-in.

It will, but in a year you either have to wait for 1 year to sync or you need a new torrent, and I am not sure if you can just add that one year to the client or if he only accepts bootstrap data that has everything from the beginning. I believe it will only accept the bootstrap file which has all blocks since the very beginning to the date of its creation.

What I mean is that any newcomer can just download the latest bootstrap via torrents whatever its date will be at the time and the missing data are downloaded as-needed only since the bootstrap date.

It certainly is a good idea to make use of the torrent file and do bootstrap updates regularly. It saves everyone a hell lot of time even if it is a bit outdated. Is this still the latest, or has anyone posted a newer version somewhere? Its now almost 6 months behind. Should get the mods to update the sidebar with this version. If I'm already using the one from August and am part way through importing, can I stop the client and put this bootstrap in place of the old one?

The resume from where it left off? I am really dumb, please help. So what do i do after downloading bootstrap. I also am really dumb and new at this shit. OP refer to the procedure from https: Instead, please accept my sincere thanks, sir.

Hey there, I wanted to ask a quick question. Earlier while installing I found that I had not enough space on my original partition, so I changed the path to another partition. Is this why I can't find DogeCoin in the given path? Is it the new path that I specifically choose now, where I need to drop the. Thanks for your help, sorry to newb here!

The magnet link is above - you should be able to copy that into your torrent client. I can add a. Failed to say up front that its 16 gb. My doge wallet synced from hard disk to somewhere in late then it switched to synchronizing with network. How do I solve this? SO I have the destop wallet for doge coin. I received 9k dogecoins in sept 28 and since I was new then I only looked at the balance. However when I opened it up now to transfer it for selling than its not sending.

I checked on doge's website and it says that I have received the transaction on 28 sept and that I haven't sent any which means I still have the coin.

Hopefully after resetting is complete it shwos the same balance. So the question is how do I get my coins to be sent to the other person? That doesn't sound right - it sounds like it is not using the bootstrap to sync.

The bootstrap removes the need to sync from the network until you hit August If it's the same issue i had - Close the DogeCoin Core application, go to the bootstrap. I guess this is what I get for taking a "shortcut" and thinking I could just pick one and go. Hopefully nothing too bad was downloaded. Guess I have some time sink tonight Well, can't know all torrent clients from the star. Done, the problem is i already have the dec bootstrap. Can you just give me your wallet id thats the only thing i need right?

Generally we put all dev-related tips into the dev fund 9x9zSN9vx3Kf9B4ofwzEfWgiqxwBieCNEb as it's fairer on those who are less visible, do you want to try sending to it directly then please? I'll just download the remainder from the network directly. Thanks, I'll just seed this one since I had trouble with the Dec one. After about a million blocks, the client would frequently stop using bootstrap. Hopefully, this one works better though I'm already synced up.

More recent versions of Dogecoin Core can download blocks out of sequence, which is faster it can take whatever blocks other nodes have available, rather than having to download them one by one. However it means it stores them out of sequence on disk, so if the bootstrap is generated by just jamming the block files together, it's also out of sequence.

Linearized means it has only the main chain blocks no forks and they're stored in sequence in the bootstrap file. How exactly does one achieve linearisation when producing the bootstrap? The core client will not trash the forks and out-of-sequence blocks? There's a tool called linearize in the source code, it's a bit of a pain to configure, but we'll make it easier in 1.

The core client ignores but doesn't bother deleting forks, and there's little to gain for it in resorting blocks once they're arrived. It's loading them anyway, doesn't care too much what order they're in as long as they're indexed.

Will this linear version make it any faster? Was running the bootstrap file from December and damn, it was slow. I've just used it to bootstrap the first main net 1. Not sure how much of the difference is 1. I also host my website on a VPS: I only have the dogecoin install folder with the wallet in and then a blocks and chain statefolder. It's not the folder where you installed the client itself, it's where the data directory is stored.

It will have prompted you for this when first run, or you can search for the "chaindata" folder, and it's in the folder containing it. You want the folder containing it, should also have files like "debug. Nothing happens with the bootstrap in any of the 3 folders.

Pretty sure I am going to be in the same scenario as you man. Although torrent is still downloading, I also didn't install in default location. Please let me know if you solved this. I have been synchronizing the client the whole time so that should be done within a day so I think so will probably just live with that and remember to install in the default location next time. I would suggest reinstalling in the default location so you can use the bootstrap.

Torrent finished and i just moved the. Dat file to the root of dogecoin folder. Reopened dogecoin and started moving along on the bar much faster while saying "importing blocks from disk".

Hmm so something is up with mine then. Maybe because it was already so far through the sync when I put it in the folder. Oh well live and learn. Thanks for this fellow shibe!

I have a quick question. I'm currently running the December bootstrap. Can I overwrite that one with this new one? Or should I complete the December one. Do you mean downloading? Might as well just go with the December one rather than changing over, at this point: Yeah I'm currently synchronizing with the December bootstrap.

Agree with you and will continue with it. Thanks for your help! Seeding alongside the 1st Aug bootstrap for which I've uploaded an impressive 3. I was hoping to create a new bootstrap at the beginning of the month but got caught up with other things. Is there any followup required after utilizing the bootstrap? Like, do we need to remove the file afterwards? Can I catch up normally on the network going forward or do I need to keep using updates of the bootstrap?

It should rename the file once it's finished reading it, and you can then safely delete it if you don't need it i. It will then catch up via the network for the remaining blocks. Hello, I used this bootstrap and the client stopped displaying "importing from disk" after sometime.. I am still left with 2yrs and 15 weeks worth of block to sync.. I've recently updated to version 1. Turns out the post I was referring to was 3 years old, so although you'd think the 1.

All I'm really interested in doing though is transfer the contents of my Core wallet to a paper wallet, but the Core application refuses to sync any further than 34 weeks ago. Do you know if I can send coins even if it isn't completely up to date?

Others who have been doing this longer say every 3 months is about right. That will be generally about k blocks. It's a fair amount of data to have to download from the network. Also, while I need to test this works in reality, with linearized bootstraps each new one should start with exactly the same data as the last, so a seed can download the new torrent file, and their torrent client should just download the difference between the last and new bootstrap, so they can get going fairly quickly.

Hmmm, but a new torrent is always a new torrent. The torrent client has no way of knowing there was some data already downloaded unless it's split into smaller files and a data rehash is forced.

If all blocks are crammed into a single file, it will always be downloaded anew. The hash stored in the. Perhaps some optimisation in regard to connection speed is due in the doge core client? If it behaved more like torrent software we could just get rid of all the hassle with bootstraps, as the download speed from network would be just fine. Synchronizes weeks and then file goes to bootstrap. Need help so I can set up my wallet and go to the moon. Any alternative wallets for mining?

Will reply when I can, thanks for quick assistance! Okay, so the debug log repeats the message at the top and then switches to repeating the one at the botom:. Just taken a look at this on a new node.

Need to try re-running it with 1. I had somethng similar happen, using 1. Went from 4 yrs down to 34 weeks and then it stopped. Trying your suggestion to see if this helps.

Will update tomorrow once it stops. Just makes it less confusing, and easier when we want to be seeding both torrents at the same time. I put the bootstrap. It has to process the bootstrap still it validates it the same way it would any other downloaded blocks , so it will take a while, but it should be a lot faster than without the bootstrap.

Although now it says "importing blocks" - and I have to give it some time I think. Thank you so much for posting this, syncing my wallet right now. Quick question, once my wallet has synced with the blockchain, can I then remove the bootstrap.

My pc is running out of space and having to have 2 x 20GB in there would be a kind of pain in the ass. Hi, can anyone help me to recover my doge?

I update the dogecoin core but now i can't syncronized it it's to slow to sync and evrytime i open it the sync restart from 0 and i can't recover my doge. Are you using the bootstrap.

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