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Got my BTG in my wallet. How long it takes for BTG to appear in the new wallet? BTG wallet shows 0. I have multiple coins in my JAXX wallet eth,zcash,ltc , what happens if i do this procedure, will all the extra coins be imported sucesfully? Also, im very impresed you managed to reply every query on this post, you dont see this often from a webmaster. Congrats, u got yourself a new loyal follower. Thanks for the recognition.

If you do this process you should see the common coins that are supported by both the wallets. Claim your BTG and then again move Jaxx is that is comfortable for you. You need to follow the above steps with blockchain. I am finding the instructions for Blockchain. After i finish this process can i still use my Blockchain wallet to receive and send BTC funds?

Currently i can only see 1 Address with 0. Rest all of them are 0 BTC. So i checked and from Onctober 6th to Nov 19th i had 0.

On BTG explorer it is showing me final balance of 0. So far i am only able to claim 0. What do u suggest? Should i try to completely restoring my Blockchain wallet to coinomi using my seed? Yes you will be able to use Blockchain. Thanks for great article!! I got my BTG from paper wallet. All problems are solved below.

I just imported my blockchain. Do you know why? If not then it is missed an opportunity. A quick read online says this is something to do with multi-sig support — do you know anything about this, or an alternate to claim BTG? Unfortunately, I thought all BTC software wallets were created equal……… appears not.

I believe Green Address has implemented segwit and multi-sig. My only source of information so far on this issue is this Reddit post: One a bit complicated way that I can suggest you to try to get your BTG is to follow these steps. Make an account on — https: Now Logout from BTC. I understand that it is a bit of hassle and also I am not sure if this way works. I might transfer a nominal amount of BTC into it to give it a positive balance, then follow the rest of your steps.

Looks like, unless Green Address change their policu, its lost. Thanks for the help anyway. Will keep you posted if got anything about segwit addresses.

If you are in a real hurry use Bitcoin Gold Core wallet but double check their official website for that. Sometime later I transferred it to my Coinbase account, where it still is. Thanks for any help. We need Coinami on iPhone. I have invested in http: How can i recover pleaselet me know.

I have sent frim zebpay. Here is a print screen -https: BTG wallet is shown in my app. Please update your app once. Unfortunately, just transferred it to Ledger Nano S and sitting on Segwit chain now. I still have Exodus wallet with zero balance.

Can I transfer coins back and then try to go through steps to recover wallet in Coinomi? Or am I now out of luck? Hey rkn2 If you have the seed of Exodus which had BTC at the time of fork then you are right on time. Hello Sudhir, thanks for the prompt reply! Unfortunately, I have already moved the coins to Ledger. So my question was if I can move them back to the same Exodus wallet and wallet address I previously had and then go through the steps above using the Exodus seed with Coinomi, etc.?

Hi, i dont have android and i had btc in my electrum wallet at the time of fork. How can i claim those without coinomi? I have ledger Nano , can i claim thourghout it? See if you sweep your private keys in Coinomi wallet. I have btc in electrum on my desktop win 10 and ledger nano. This way you should be able to see your BTG. Restore your seed of mycelium in Coinomi and go and enable BCH wallet in it.

You should be able to see the BCH if you had at the time of fork. Thanks for this post! I first bought bitcoin on Sept. It seems to have worked but the balance is zero still. I have some BTC in an old school multiunit wallet that I have not opened in a long time… Mutlibit is no longer supported. Can you please advise if I am out of luck being on an old client or is there still some way to claim the forked coins? Is there anything else I can try?

It will only be transferred man! By this way you will be able to see your same wallet in Coinomi…it will just a replica or copy you can say. Convert your 16 words in a format that Coinomi accepts. You need to have same wallet in the Coinomi. Please read properly it has been explained well. How should I proceed? Thanks sir, I want to know that if i have btc in coinomi wallet or paper wallet at time of fork.

But after forking i use my btc for trading altcoins, then would i get btg from that wallet or not? Thanks Sudhir — I was holding at the time of the fork but moved to Coinomi after block so I probably missed it.

Thanks for the post. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Become a Part of CoinSutra Bitcoin community. Authored By Sudhir Khatwani. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain will change human life in inconceivable ways and I am here to empower people to understand this new ecosystem so that they can use it for their benefit.

You will find me reading about cryptonomics and eating if I am not doing anything else. I have Bitcoins in Unocoin wallet. How do I claim BTG? Any tips on this? Thanks man, your steps are quite simple and straight forward. Got my BTG intact. Hello, First, thank you so much for the explanations. Want to convert from the Satoshi to USD?

This Bitcoin converter is now extremely versatile. We recently added support for the Euro! The Bitcoin converter is now an altcoin converter as well! Or if you need a calculator for Ethereum to Bitcoin, we can do that too. Let us know what altcoin we should add next!

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